A Blog

July 10, 2024

Hi. I'm Storm. I've been on the internet since I was a tiny child and somehow I've never maintained a longform blog for longer than like. Two weeks. LMAO. Story of the internet.

I've recently gotten into manifesting the best possible internet that we can have. Many people complain that the internet is reduced down to something like 5 websites. Sure, I use reddit and tumblr and facebook (marketplace) like the rest of us, but I love to explore around and see what I can find. The internet is much more than social media, even in 2024.

(Side note...make a heuristic system of Storm's internet at some point...)

Anyway, this is just a test page I'm making to make sure that everything looks ok. Eventually I need to make an archive and links to blog posts. This is all going to take some time, because I'm a noob and know very little about html/css. But I want to know more. So I'll make this hard for myself (one of my favorite things to do).

Updates to come...

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